Now bigger and better! Yes we are still accepting submissions, but on our parent website
If you are looking for a publisher for your fiction, you are invited to submit directly to www.thebookfolks.comYou can still use the form opposite to submit...
But it's better you visit the to see the full range of our titles and more information about what we are looking for. Please note, we are currently only interested in fiction titles.Why you should be interested in publishing with us
Our team has over 35 years experience in publishing in print and online. Our experienced editors can get the best out of a book, our production team will guarantee your work is appropriately presented, and through our contacts and social media we will get people talking about your book.
Please visit or use the form opposite to provide the title of your proposed manuscript as well as a short description of the book, synopsis of the content and stage of completion. Please note that if you use the form opposite we cannot promise to get back to you to acknowledge your email. However if you visit we will acknowledge your submission and potentially to request you send us the manuscript for review.